Welcome to our new home on the Net! This site is specifically designed to spread some of our Yugoslavian cooking techniques to all that happen to want to impress their serbian in laws' or just to cook, taste and serve a different style of cuisine for themselves so they can explore the wonderful world of yugoslavian delicacies.

My grandmother taught me that the greatest value in life was found in things we can’t see or touchlike faith, love, and family. She believed that it was important to protect those values. Every week, for most of

My grandmother taught me that the greatest value in life was found in things we can’t see or touchlike faith, love, and family. She believed that it was important to protect those values. Every week, for most of

Hello there and thank you for letting us borrow a second of your time to introduce you to our new and exciting site; at the moment it is still under construction but it'll be up and running soon. Our site will include our mouth watering dishes like our B-B potatoes yugo style, crummed fish, with a side order of fresh steamed vegetables!

Adding Fun and Experimenting

Whenever cooking for guests or just thinking of doing something new, try to add some fun to each dish you serve. For example when you serve a dish that includes a bit more work than picking up your fork like fondu, your guests will love to experiment with their food and try all sorts of things, either its to get their bread out of the fondu or to try and skilet their own fish! Just remember everyone will have a fun time if you do.

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